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Chad Doane

We’re extremely excited to announce you can pick up doane paper at the UC San Diego Bookstore. Established in 1960 near the pre-existing Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego is the southernmost of the ten campuses of the University of California, and offers over 200 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, enrolling 33,343 undergraduate and 9,533 graduate students.

the new school

Chad Doane

Established in 1887 Roaring Spring is the original manufacturer of the marble pattern cover, center-sewn bound composition notebook. Our version is filled with Doane Paper’s Grid + Lines pattern, off-set printed onto thick 50 lb. content stock and finished with a cloth tape spine.

Fall is Here!

Chad Doane


Use the code: FALL2021 at checkout for 15% off your order from now until October 20 2021!


Chad Doane


We are extremely excited to announce that you can now find doane paper in the official KU Bookstore. This non-profit independent bookstore has been supporting the University of Kansas community since 1946. The bookstore is on Level 2 of the Kansas Union.


Chad Doane


We’re excited to announce that the University Book Store in Madison, Wisconsin is now selling doane paper. Since 1894 the University Book Store has proudly served the students and faculty of University of Wisconsin-Madison and the greater Madison community.

Dad's Day 2020

Chad Doane


Well? We’re Waiting! - Judge Smails
From now until June 20th use the code: DAD2020 at checkout for 15% off your order!

The Large Flap Jotter Returns

Chad Doane


The large flap jotter has finally been restocked! To help say “Sorry for the delay” use the code: FLAP at checkout for 15% off your order now until March 12th.


Chad Doane


Use the code: PIE at checkout for 15% off your order from now until December 8th.


Chad Doane


We’re closing up and heading south of the border next week before old man winter arrives at the no coast. ATTENTION: All orders placed after 10/18 will not ship until 10/28.


Chad Doane


Gear Patrol is pulling together a special event called STOCKED on Sept. 27th and 28th at the Classic Car Club Manhattan. GP will be showcasing some of their favorite gear and the stories behind them. The headline speaker is adventure photographer and documentarian Chris Burkard! Not one but two complimentary doane paper notebooks will be given to attendees. Also as a special offer to our followers receive a 25% off discount for the event when you use the code: DOANESTOCKED at ticket checkout. You can buy tickets at

Back To School 2019

Chad Doane


It’s back to school time! Use the code: CRATE at checkout for 15% off your order now until 8/17/19.

Check Your Tires!

Chad Doane


Father’s Day is June 16th use the code: DAD for 15% off your order from now until June 8th.