Spring Break Sale
Chad Doane
Use the code: SB2019 at checkout until 03/01/19 for 15% off your order.
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Use the code: SB2019 at checkout until 03/01/19 for 15% off your order.
Go outside more in the new year with the help of TOPO designs!
grid + lines snowflakes
Hit the rails this fall with a pack of BOXCAR Large Utility Notebooks.
Happy long Labor Day weekend from dp! May it be filled with an endless supply of bootleg eighties cassettes.
For the fourth year in a row Doane Paper has shipped over 500 large Idea Journals to Oak Park and River Forest High School (Oak Park IL). The Idea Journals are used in advanced Math and Chemistry classes.
We’re down to our last two stacks of Moon Camera Idea Journals. Pick one up before they’re retired like Betamax.
Happy looong Memorial Day Weekend from dp! Might be time for some waterproof utility notebooks.
doanepaper.com back in the fall of 2008 when doane paper was a single product.
It’s March, It’s Spring! If you’re lucky enough to live in CO or the SFCA area head over to a TOPO designs outpost, gear up and get outside.
The small writing pad makes it into @written.intentions’ 2018 planning arsenal.
Our small Utility Notebook makes it into Cool Material's list of 7 Journals for Keeping Tabs on 2018.
We're headed to warmer waters to celebrate Christmas. All order after today will not ship until 12/27. Merry Christmas!
Use the code LIGHTS at checkout for 15% off your order now until Dec. 4th.
Nib&Ink just posted a detailed review of doane paper's large writing pads.
Happy Halloween from doane paper.
Doane Paper founder Chad Doane's first fall ritual is oilin' up his Red Wing Heritage 875's.
"Doane-gens & Dragons by @exsopr" recently made its way onto Instagram.
For the third year in a row Doane Paper has shipped over 500 large Idea Journals to Oak Park and River Forest High School (Oak Park IL). The Idea Journals are used in advanced Math and Chemistry classes.
Packing up Jet Pens order no. 23 this afternoon.