Chad Doane
Happy St. Patricks Day from doane paper!
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Happy St. Patricks Day from doane paper!
The second edition of the Musgrave Pencil Co. + doane paper pencil in oxblood red is now available. Pick up a three pack at doanepaper.com. You’ll also receive a free pencil with every order regardless of order size, no checkout code needed.
Happy New Year from doane paper!
“Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Thankful for all of you who have stuck with doane paper through the past 19 years of bringing something a bit different to the stationery landscape. I’ve never taken for granted that dp only works if there’s someone on the other end willing to buy our products. We’ll be having a weeklong online sale starting tomorrow AM. I’m always here to listen to what you have to say, good or bad. Just drop a line to doane at doanepaper dot com.” - Thank you and Season’s Greetings, Chad Doane (The best KC iced mocha is at McLain’s Market - Stanley.)
After a three year hiatus the original small idea journal has returned. This ultra sturdy compact wire-o bound notebook is filled with 100 sheets of grid+lines goodness sandwiched between two 80 point chipboard covers.
fingers crossed
We recently made the top fold over at Hi Consumption! Thanks Ethan and Sean for including dp in your pocket notebook review, much appreciated.
Just a friendly reminder you receive a free, made in Shelbyville TN Musgrave Pencil with every doanepaper.com order. No checkout code needed.
Our 2024 credo at the doane paper studio.
The dp large idea journal is the perfect all around gift for anyone on your list this year. Use the code: IDEA at checkout for 15% off your order from now until Dec. 15. We’ll also throw in a free Musgrave pencil for each large idea journal ordered.
How you like them apples?
We’re extremely excited to announce you can now find Doane Paper at the Carnegie Mellon U. bookstore located within the Cohon University Center! CMU is a private research university in Pittsburgh, PA, the institution was founded in 1900 by Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie Mellon University is known for its advances in undergrad research, notably being home to 48 Goldwater Scholars. Image Courtesy of CMU Stores / Amy Daly
GVSU Victory! We’re extremely excited to announce you can pick up Doane Paper at the picturesque GVSU Laker Store. Grand Valley State University’s main campus is located in Allendale, MI twenty two miles west of Grand Rapids with an enrollment of more than 24,000 students. Image Courtesy of GVSU Laker Store / Rio Eden
A little something is coming down the pike from our friends at Musgrave Pencil Co.
Some dp shipping department love was long overdue. Thanks to A. Micah Smith for creating the yard sale artwork.
Rock Chalk Restock! The KU Bookstore is starting off the Spring semester right with a fresh restock of dp goods!
Fill up those stockings with dp this year! Use the code: STUFFER at checkout for 15% off your order from now until next Monday.
We’re pleased to announce you can now find doane paper at the Caltech bookstore! The California Institute of Technology is a private research university in Pasadena, California. The university is known for its strength in science and engineering, and is among a small group of institutes of technology in the United States which is primarily devoted to the instruction of pure and applied sciences.
The made in KC - Doane at the Made in KC Marketplace.
Do you want No. 2’s with that?